You Are Surrounded by Miracles

Next time you fold your hands to pray, seeking God for miraculous intervention into the problem you face, keep this in mind: you are surrounded by miracles.

Feel Like You Are In A Rut?

As you sit there praying, hoping to get out of your rut, keep in mind that the earth where you sit is spinning on its axis at the speed of 1,000 miles per hour, rushing headlong through space at an average velocity of 67,108 miles per hour. This means each day you travel 1,599,793 miles through space! Some rut!

And just to keep things in perspective, the Milky Way, of which our solar system is but a small droplet, is spinning like a beautiful snowflake through space at 487,000 miles per hour!


As you kneel down on prayer and blurt out the words ‘Our Father who is in heaven’  just remember Who you are talking to. He is the One who put all of this in motion and designed our “living room” called the universe!


Your Audience of One

So as you kneel down on prayer and blurt out the word “Out Father who art in heaven”  just remember Who you are talking to. He is the One who put all of this in motion and designed our “living room” called the universe!

Still unconvinced? Do you feel like a little dot on the grand scheme of things?

Don’t Underestimate Yourself

Okay, let’s look in the mirror. Better yet, the microscope. Your body is a living laboratory where trillions of chemical reactions are happening every second of every day. At the same time, you brain is calculation up to ten quadrillion calculations per second, using only ten watts of power. A man-made computer would require a gigawatt of power using a nuclear reactor to accomplish this.

Do you feel bored and unimaginative at times, especially as you begin to engage in prayer? Well, keep this in mind: God used His imagination when He created you! If your personal genetic code, defining who you are, were writing out in longhand, it would fill a library of 3 billion words. This means that if you listened to your DNA instructions via audiobook, you would be sitting there, with your earbuds on for nearly a century to get the basic picture of who God created you to be.

Your Life Is An Answer to Prayer

Here is my encouragement to you: Your life is an answer to prayer. It is the culmination of another One’s dream. You came into the planet kicking and crying but others were waiting for you with baited breath.

The days, weeks, months and years you live out on earth are your chance to give back. Prayer, that self-deprecating exercise, that moment to you Encounter the Miracle Maker, that time dedicated to stretching yourself out as an instrument to change the world, is a powerful way to “pay it forward.”


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