
Pray for a spiritual awakening in  Mexico.

Lake Chapala, MX

Pray for Lake Chapala, Mexico, that the young people (the majority) will get a revelation of Jesus and His purpose for their lives and that God will open the eyes and the hearts of the thousands of expats and retirees living on the lakeside.

Pray for the USA

“I am asking everyone on my timeline that believes in the power of prayer to please pray for America. need to flood Facebook with pray for Americaprayer. Our nation is hurting. Lord, we need You! Please sweep through this nation and heal this land. Restore our strength, renew our minds, and cast out anything that’s not of You.
In Jesus’ name, WE pray.
Amen.” ~Jessica

Pray for Billy

Please stop and say a special prayer for Billy (DIPG). Radiation has not worked for Billy as he is progressing (which means that the tumor is growing bigger and more symptoms are showing as a result). Such a sweet boy doesn’t deserve this. Yet we must pray and hold onto to that hope that our Savior provides.

Pray for Maciah, a little boy in Pakistan

Please pray for Maciah, a little boy in Pakistan, who is tottering between life and death. His parents are ministers who have devoted themselves to the ministry in this needy country.

PRAISE UPDATE: “Micaiah is much better now and soon he will be discharge in Jesus name, this is great news, could I ask you to continue to pray ? him” ~Paul Richards

Pray for little Kaylee

Hi Guys could we pray for this little girl,her name is Kaylee she is 2 yrs old,doctors say she cant grow anymore and her live to 4 yrs old,could pray for this little girl,we no what the Lord can do in impossible situations

Pray for and Submit Prayer Requests Below:


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  • I'm surrounded by witches and warlocks, literally, in a transitional homeless shelter, they astral project frequently, plus a lot of Native American shamaniam/witchcraft.
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  • Please stop and say a special prayer for Billy (DIPG). Radiation has not worked for Billy as he is progressing (which means that the tumor is growing bigger and more symptoms are showing as a result). Such a sweet boy doesn’t deserve this. Yet we must pray and hold onto to that hope that our Savior provides. Lord we know you are our Great Physician and capable of miracles and healing. Little Billy needs your healing touch. Let him touch the hem of your garment, we pray. We turn to you for hope and for Billy to beat DIPG. We need a cure Lord. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen ✝️🙏🏼🕊️🙏🏼✝️
    As the family looks for more avenues to help little Billy, we send our heartfelt prayers. Please keep Billy and his family in your daily prayers.
    Update from Billy’s mom Jamie:
    “Day 110. The next bomb dropped and there was nowhere to hide.
    Billy’s tumour is in progression. Radiotherapy hasn’t worked. To quote the consultant, “This is like trying to hold back a tsunami.”
    I had to leave Billy’s class What
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