
Pray for a spiritual awakening in  Mexico.

Lake Chapala, MX

Pray for Lake Chapala, Mexico, that the young people (the majority) will get a revelation of Jesus and His purpose for their lives and that God will open the eyes and the hearts of the thousands of expats and retirees living on the lakeside.

Pray for the USA

“I am asking everyone on my timeline that believes in the power of prayer to please pray for America. need to flood Facebook with pray for Americaprayer. Our nation is hurting. Lord, we need You! Please sweep through this nation and heal this land. Restore our strength, renew our minds, and cast out anything that’s not of You.
In Jesus’ name, WE pray.
Amen.” ~Jessica

Pray for Billy

Please stop and say a special prayer for Billy (DIPG). Radiation has not worked for Billy as he is progressing (which means that the tumor is growing bigger and more symptoms are showing as a result). Such a sweet boy doesn’t deserve this. Yet we must pray and hold onto to that hope that our Savior provides.

Pray for Maciah, a little boy in Pakistan

Please pray for Maciah, a little boy in Pakistan, who is tottering between life and death. His parents are ministers who have devoted themselves to the ministry in this needy country.

PRAISE UPDATE: “Micaiah is much better now and soon he will be discharge in Jesus name, this is great news, could I ask you to continue to pray ? him” ~Paul Richards

Pray for little Kaylee

Hi Guys could we pray for this little girl,her name is Kaylee she is 2 yrs old,doctors say she cant grow anymore and her live to 4 yrs old,could pray for this little girl,we no what the Lord can do in impossible situations

Pray for and Submit Prayer Requests Below:


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  • Please pray for power to fill my home, Heavenly beings, God's Presence and Spirit. For God to accomplish His will for my soul, body and spirit. For Him to accomplish His will for Jacquelynn, Lola and Josie in their souls, bodies, spirits and lives. God bless!!!
  • Pray for God to chelate and remove any and all toxic minerals, metals etc out of my body. Thanks!!!
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  • Pray for Satan's plans for me, my life etc to be cancelled, For full protection for me, Lola & pets. For God's will for me, my pets, life etc to come to pass. Please pray a lot!!!
  • Pray for God to fill my living room with powerful Heavenly Jesus' Blood, Heavenly oils, salts and crystals. God bless!!!
  • Pray for God to remove all sources of evil spiritual energy and cursed spiritual environment causing things of the enemy from my property. Pray for Him to replace those evils with powerful spiritual things of His choosing. Thanks 🙂
  • Pray for God to remove all evil of any kind or being from my home. God bless!
  • Hello, did you know that there are 241,120 internet directories in the world.

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  • I need instant immediate prayer against this church that pratice witchcraft and constantly keep threatening my life and says god is going to kill you if i leave.

    Its full of abuse and mistreatment

    The pastor and members are always against me and try to keep me stuck in this occult.

    The pastor pratice witchcraft and already put spells on previous members and they died but claiming to be of god and preach like nothing is wrong.

    Pray for my protection against these evil people and for god to move me quickly to the right ministry.

    Also for my finances
    I need a car also
    And place to stay
    Long life on earth to do gods will
    Marriage kids
    And my career

    Im consistently disrespected and treated like a slave here and bondage.

    I was told if i leave god was gonna kill me but really its the witchcraft and they always picking fights with me for nothing

    Its not right at all and people allow and go with this stuff.

    Even pastor said he would kill me physically with hands or witchcraft.

    I need
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